Large 4 inch LED digital timer DC-405T-DN-NEG-W counts down from the preset value and then once it passes through 00:00 it flashes and starts counting back up to 99:59 minutes. This gives maximum awareness to the process workers keeping them informed in real time. Wirelessly controlled from up to 150 …
Completely machine activated and reset. The cycle is preset via 4 rotary switches mounted on the timer. 1: Start/Pause 2: Reset to Set Value 3: Reset to Set Value and Start, Product: DC-80T-DN-BCD Video: DC-80T-DN-BCD-YouTube DC-Digital products: DC-Digital
Demon acres (341 county route 36 Hannibal NY. 13074) haunted attractions uses the DC-40T-DN-BCD-NEMA to countdown for the next dragon appearance…. see video, Dragon Happy Halloween!
Signal the whole team instantly, even the outfield. Everyone will be on the same page with the same play. Keyed in and wirelessly transmitted. Totally portable with carrying cases and tripod. With 400 feet of viewing distance signals will not be missed. Product Page: DC-80-W-SIG Video: DC-80-W-SIG (VIDEO)
This product is unique in that it counts past the set threshold time and after it has lit the ANDON light and sounded the horn. This gives maximum awareness to the operator on how long the process has gone over the allotted preset threshold value. 1 press of the remote reset …
Revolutionizing Factory Communication with Barcode Scanner Number Display In today’s fast-paced manufacturing environment, real-time communication and transparency are crucial to keeping everything on track. One of the most significant challenges in factories and production facilities is ensuring that everyone — from the floor workers to the management team — is …
HLT Medical was in need of a process timer that could be operated completely hands free (Shown here with 60mm palm switch. We were out of our footswitch at time of video They wanted a 60 second count up timer with an end of period horn and has an easy …
Darkness or light, from down the hall, through your video surveillance system, the 4 Inch LED display can be seen up to 200 feet away. Add a Network web page and you can see the temperature anywhere in the world. Mount the temperature probe where it is critical and begin …
See video: DC-25-OEM in action
Install this or any of our displays into your signage. The DC-256T-UP-Days timer, counts up to 999999 days, one per 24 hour period. This one has wired controls and also comes with battery backup, 120 Wall adapter power supply, lens and hardware. Contact Us to get your version today! See …
DC-Digital brings awareness to the next FOP conference in Indy. DC-409T-DN, Days Hours Minutes and Seconds
Galaxy Universal Systems ordered a custom programmed timer DC-10T-DN that could control the activation of the pump on their filtration system. Integrating it into their control panel, they wired in a push button to set the hours (20 Hours max.) and a start button to start the countdown timing sequence. While …
Adding time keeping into your distribution center makes everyone aware of how important it is for efficiency, especially in moving product. DC-Digital was recently contracted by Lowes to supply all of the time keeping displays for several of their distribution centers. The clocks are wireless-ly synchronized to one central computer …
See video: DC-300-W-System (Master-Secondary Video) Built for Amazon, 2 giant 30 inch time of day clocks for one of Amazon’s distribution dispatch centers. Designed as a master-secondary system factory calibrated accuracy, wireless-ly linked for identical time display. With the store and forward feature they can add an infinite number of …
See the process time locally and from your cell phone or computer. All you need is a browser to pull up its ip address. All of the Dc-Digital timers have the capabilities to connect to the network for redundant viewing locally or from afar via web page! Contact for more …
30 inch display and 2 digits outdoor count down timer. The customer needed to have a timer that could be visible from a long distance, but they also only had the space for a 2 digit display. We also met their needs in the video below. DC-Digital wireless countdown timers …
Accurately, easily and efficiently setup your Archery competition and range for all your timed events. Wireless handheld RF-Wireless controlled with 150 ft. range, for easy operation. Large 4 Inch LED Digits that can be seen up to 200 feet away. Heavy duty all aluminum enclosure. Product: DC-40T-DN-W Video: DC-40T-DN-W-Video of …
See the customer now serving number from the comfort and safety of your own vehicle. Your order number will be displayed for you to be able to see and respond too! Efficient, safe, and customer friendly! DC-Digital Product: DC-802-Static-Key-W Video in Action: Video of the DC-802-Static-Key-W
How many cuts have we made? Common employee question. Where are we at with quantity of cuts. Instantly know with a glance. These DC-40C-Terms (4 Inch Digits) are viewable up to 200 feet away and with super bright LED digits, make no mistakes on the numbers. Want BIGGER? We can …
When getting out of the fire house is critical! They flash at 2:00 minutes, then at 4:00 minutes they reset back to zero, all on 1 momentary contact closure. Heavy duty all aluminum or NEMA 4X Enclosures. See all of DC-Digital Count Up Timers or Contact Us for more info
Vehicle oil changes have never been faster and today and in the future it will almost be a competition. Your service center will be the fastest in town! 4 Inch Digits – Can be viewed up to 200 ft. away 10 ft. adjustable no contact sensor with mounting hardware and …
Our digital clocks, timers, and counters are often used in a wide array of settings anywhere from school clock systems to surgery timers. One of our recent customers requested that we make them a timer for a rock climbing wall. For the rock climbing wall, we used the DC-406T-UP-TERM. This …
The DC-409T-DN is a countdown to an event timer with the ability to be set for a maximum of 999 Days, 23 Hours, 59 Minutes, and 59 Seconds. It comes with a rechargeable battery backup in case of power loss, which will turn the display off but keep the timer …
Now you can setup an infinite number schedules for all of your bells, lights, doors, shifts all in one package. Computer controlled using our EZ-Time Windows 10 based software and the DC-RM-10-4 virtual port software, from anywhere. Control your class changes or Shift changes using our EZ-Time windows based scheduling …
Introducing the DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 Correct your old 59th minute analog clocks and ring 2 different bell zones. Connected via Network virtual port and EZ-Time Computer software. DC-Digital DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 is a new product that receives time of day updates over an Ethernet connection via computer setup windows EZ-Time PC program, but has …
The DC-25T-DN-BCD gets a cool new look On our website, almost all of our products come with red LED displays by default. However, we can easily accommodate requests for different colored displays. In one of our recent orders, the customers requested that we provide them a display with green segmented …
At DC-Digital, we offer displays with digits up to 30 inches tall. These can be seen up to 1500 feet away. Making them one of the largest LED Number displays on the market! We recently got two different requests for these 30 inch displays with 2 digits. The first request …
Its a drive through timer and counter all in 1. It displays the current customer’s wait time and their number for the day. It is a multi-color display; Red for the count up timer (MM:SS) and Green for the Car Count. The timer is used to show how long the …
The Countdown Timer System Setup is performed on this 1 (computer, cell phone, tablet) web page. It can handle up to 50 events per day. It is easy to enter the time, the day(s) of the week and whether it is a bell (they use it for a count down …
Lowes had us convert a DC-606C-TERM-IN 6 digit 6 inch Red LED’s to Blue LED’s to count product going down a conveyor line. It is matched with a photo-reflective sensor (DC-DIFF-SENS-10) for increment and a large 40 mm palm switch (SW-1-HD-RED) for reset. It comes housed in an all IP-66 …
Operators, driver, onlookers and the DC-Digital display stays with it to the end!
The Honolulu Fire Department wanted a computer controlled Turn Out Timer display with an end of period buzzer and Andon light for additional visual and audible output. This will allow the fire fighters to see how much time has elapsed since receiving the dispatch call for help. Every second counts …
Help prevent Covid-19 with a series of hand washing timers. Contact us for customization options on all of these timers! The activation method, case type, power type, timer value set method, and more can be customized to your home, school, or business needs. DC-10T-DN-HAND Battery operated and designed to last …
Display the number of days without an incident-accident while driving distracted. The display is not distracting either with a very narrow viewing angle that the driver can see from afar but almost goes dark when driving by it. Fully network controlled and or local push-button controlled. The days tick off …
The perfect jail inmate wellness check reminder timer. Once it reaches 00:00 it sounds a 3 second buzzer, resets itself to the last preset time and then starts the countdown time interval to the next cell check again. Systematically eliminating the room for error on being reminded. See video: Jail …
Instantly display any 4 digit number for the next race, event, product run anything! With this 15 Inch wireless-ly controlled number display. It’s as simple as pushing the SET button on the key pad, pushing in the numbers, like “1234” and then pushing ENTER that’s it! Indoor and outdoor versions …
Synchronized digital LED countdown timers maintain the countdown time right where you need it (100 locations for wired systems and infinite locations for wireless systems). The countdown time is activated off of a hands free foot-switch which causes the timers to reset to the set value and start. To set …
Breached servers and stolen sensitive information, foreign threats and infiltration is common place these days and billions, in the industry, is spent on network security. DC-Digital understands the ongoing need for network security and breach prevention. This is why we have put countless hours into designing, engineering, programming and manufacturing …
Finally a complete package of our most popular process timers and components that makes installation, setup, and timing a whole lot easier. No more buying unmatched products and trying to figure out how or even will they work together. It consists of everything you need to get up and running …
We have made purchasing, setting up, and installing a Counter-Timer-Clock or Number Display easier than ever. See pricing and specs: DC-10C-PKG All DC-Digital counter packages
It keeps track of 2 assembly lines times and totals them. The customer uses contact closures to start stop and reset them. Visually see the total lines times
Production line timer senses object, starts the timer and illuminates the ANDON light yellow (5 colors to choose from; Red, Yellow, White, Green, Blue) after the object passes the light goes out and the timer pauses. The timer accumulates all of the sensed objects times. It can be rest at …
Hydraforce uses the additional wireless push-buttons remotely to increment the main central display counter. Each station will be able to add upon the count and have it display the total count per period. See video: DC-40C-W-with additional wireless remotes Product: DC-40C-W Product: SW-1-HD-RED-W-120 Website:
Countdown master with count up secondaries. Common start and individual stops. When the master gets to zero the secondaries continue to count up on there own until stopped. 1 wired remote control.
This custom countdown timer shows negative or minus sign after reaching zero and then it starts counting back up. Once 00:00 has been reached an audible signal is given, the display flashes, the ANDON lights change to RED and continues counting back up with a negative sign. Three ways to …
In order to meet strict FDA regulations for control and mitigation of bacteria and other food borne illness a pharmaceutical company contracted Johnson Controls to install DC-Digital timers (DC-25T-DN-BCD) on the outside of each access point into their production area. The FDA regulations focus on process control and standardization to …
See how long you can hang by your hands? if you can hang for 2 minutes you may win $500 dollars for your $5 dollar chance. Local and national amusement parks are using the DC-60T-DN-BCD and the DC-80T-DN-BCD to time how long contestants can hang by their hands they could …
Food processing is critical to timing and all procedures need to be kept on a tight schedule. So Morgan Foods, to keep in line with the USFDA, looked towards DC-Digital for their time keeping methods. They installed the DC-40N-WIFI-NEMA-4x time of day atomic digital network clocks throughout the plant to …