
RF Wireless, Handheld, 8 function, Universal Controller

The WRC-8-T is a made in the USA, 2.5 ghz Radio Frequency wireless handheld controller that controls the DC-Digital name brand universal wireless timers and clocks and counters. Normal working range is 150 feet and can be  increased to 350 feet (line of sight). Generally used when the customer prefers …

Count Up timer

4.0 Inch, 4 Digit, Red LED,RF Wireless controlled, Universal Count Up or Countdown Timer and Time of Day Clock

Specification Sheet: DC-40UTW. This is a large made in the USA, RF wireless 4.0 inch high, 4 digit, Red LED universal digital timer that  will countdown or count up while also keeping the time of day. It can be set for hours and minutes or minutes and seconds (see also the WRC-8 …

DC-309T-DN-Kroger-New Store-Grand-Opening-Countdown-Timer

Kroger countdown to grand opening

Kroger of Memphis Tennessee has purchased a DC-309 Countdown to Grand Opening countdown timer. This timer has a quantity of 9, 30 inch digits that represent days, hours, minutes and seconds. It counts down from a maximum value of 999 days. It operates off of 120 volts 5 amps. It …

15 Inch LED Digital GPS Atomic Time and Temperature Display

Hops minor league team, DC-150 Atomic Time-Temperature

The city of Hillsboro, Oregon was looking for an outdoor time temperature display for their minor league baseball field, the home of the Hillsboro Hops. The class “A” baseball team that is a farm team for the Arizona Diamondbacks. The display that was built for the City of Hillsboro Oregon …

DC-60T-UP-Days safe work days display with 6 inch LED digits

Duke Energy adds Days without an Accident safety scoreboard

Duke energy is very aware of the fact that safety matters with Incident awareness clocks. We all want to work in a safe environment and sometimes it is best to be reminded of just how safe. We can never be reminded to much of how  well things really are. Duke …


FOREIGNER the band purchases another DC-40UT timer

The  band, Foreigner recently purchased a DC-Digital DC-40 UT.  The band uses the timer to manage how much time they spend on stage.  The DC-Digital DC- 40UT can be used to count either up or down.  It has a viewing distance of 200 feet.


The Army National Guard in Washington DC Purchases a Dc-Digital Julian Time Zone Clock

The Army National Guard in Washington DC purchased a DC-Digital 25TZ-5-Julian date for the commanding general’s conference room.  The DC-Digital 25TZ-5-Julian date is a Time Zone Clock that can display five different time zones and it also displays the Julian Date.  It has a viewing distance of 120 feet.  

Foot switch activated industrial MM:SS countdown timer with Set n Forget BCD Rotary set switches
Countdown Timer

BCD Countdown Timer with Foot Switch

We put together a foot switch operated timer for Boston Scientific. Not Quite sure what they are using it for but they will be able to set it to any MM:SS value using the supplied rotary 10 Position BCD coded switches mounted in the top of the enclosure for easy …


Kimderly Clark, Product counter

Product counters are a part of every manufacturing facility and that is no exception for Kimberly Clark and counting there produced goods. They use the Dc-40C-Dn special order countdown counter to preset the number of units to a certain value and then once it reaches zero it gives indication. We …

4.0 Inch LED Clock timer with ad and Kiewit Name

Keiwit, Days without an Accident safety scoreboards

Kiewit stands behind its dedication to safety and letting everyone in the factory be aware with days without an accident timers. The two (2) days without and accident timers operate together as a system one controls the other. They will be mounted on either side of the factory for all …


Mayo Clinic purchases Digital up timer

The Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota will receive a highly visible up to 50 feet, 1.0 inch digital up timer the Dc-10T-Up. It can be used for timing all sorts of events. The display is small but is highly visible compared to the competitors gray scale LCD displays. It comes …

4 sided wireless 4 inch system synchronized clock

Wastech Vehicle Washing Equipment purchases Large LED 4 sided system Clock

Wastech Vehicle Washing Equipment purchases Large 4.0 inch LED digital 4 sided system Clock 4 in 1 DC-40S-W.  1 Masters set by a RF wireless control and serially linked for precise synchronization to the 3 receiving clocks all within the same enclosure. Accurate within 2 minutes per year (Actual testing …

countdown the days hours minutes and seconds to a special event 4 inch digits
Count Up timer

Party Planners CountDown To Super Bowl XLVI

DC-Digital countdown the Days, Hour, Minutes and Seconds to the Super Bowl. 2 years running! Party Planners West, official event planners for the NFL, has purchased DC-409T-DN Event Countdown Timers from DC-Digital for Super Bowl XLVI and now Super Bowl XLVII. With 9 digits, the DC-409T-DN displays days, hours, minutes …

Football delay of game timers portable, battery operated, wireless

Portable Football play clock timers

DC-300P Football portable Delay of Game clocks are battery operated and RF wireless-ly controlled. Place one at each end of the field and extend them 110 inches. Setup for High School and or College play. Use them on the practice field and playing field. Easy to setup and take down. …


Product-Unit Counter with Interval Timer and remotes

  Culp inc. Manufacturing will be using this new unit counter and timer up interval counter to pace their production lines in final assembly. The counter portion (upper display) simply increments up once per switch press keeping tally of unit produced while the lower display (interval counter) is set at …


Fort Bragg Orders 3 multizone Digital LED time clocks

Fort Bragg located in North Carlina has ordered and received 3 DC-25TZ-4’s, multi-zone digital LED time zone clocks. They are housed all in one enclosure. 12 or 24 hour user selectable by pressing set hours and set minutes buttons at the same time. It is very easy to set the …

Benedettini Cabinetry DC-25C-Push-Button-Remote-Control-Counter-2.3-Inch-Digits

Benedettini remote push-button counter

Benedettini Cabinetry Company purchased a DC-25-C from DC-Digital with a custom made wired remote. To keep track of their products and keep up with their orders Benedettini Cabinetry decided that they needed a industrial strength counter. They wanted the DC-25C with a wired remote which provided them an increment button …


Duke Energy safety scoreboard Days since last recordable, Days since last LOTO Occurrence

Days without an accident and Safety is always a number one priority at Duke Energy. DC-Digital has the answer with a custom safety display just for that purpose. We recently sold these custom units to Duke Energy so they could easily keep track and record days without accidents. This also …

Countdown Timer

4.0 Inch LED Digital, Multifunction, Up or Down Timer and Time

4.0 Inch LED Digital, Multifunction, Up or Down Timer and Time of day clock, DC-40UTW Amateur Athletic Union recently bought a DC-40UTW model for their events and practices. This unit is great for many sports activities, events, or meetings. This unit is a universal timer that can count up, countdown, …

Large outdoor LED Clock

DC-80 Serial Data Display

Our latest European customer through Marquee Automation required a new type of display that allows up to a 4 digit number to be displayed from a distant location via a computer using the web. The model base number DC-80 was used as the complete factory build up. a numerical ASCII …


FAQ – What’s an LED?

Q: What’s an LED? A: see LED = Light Emitting Diode, Silicone PN Junction


FAQ – What are master clocks?

Q: What are master clocks? A: Master clocks are the central time keeping unit which is wired to all the clocks in your facility. LED digital clocks are updated every minute, for a, “Hyper-accurate”, time keeping system.


FAQ – Why are LED digital clocks more reliable than analog clocks?

Q: Why are LED digital clocks more reliable than analog clocks? A: LED digital clocks have no moving parts to wear out. However LED technology will reach its, “Half Life”, expectancy after 100,000 hours of use, or about 11.4 years. This means the digits will begin to dim somewhat.. That’s …


FAQ – Do you make a clock system that can be interfaced to my existing bell system or shift/break system.

Q: Do you make a clock system that can be interfaced to my existing bell system or shift/break system. A:: we make several different types of master clocks that can be used for running existing bell, clock systems. Model number BR-50, EZ-Time software and many others.


FAQ – Can you replace my existing analog clocks with digitals or analogs?

Q: Can you replace my existing analog clocks with digitals or analogs? A: We make direct replacements for existing analog clocks and digital clocks.


FAQ – Can I mix different sizes and types of clocks together in a clock system?

Q: Can I mix different sizes and types of clocks together in a clock system? A: You can mix different types of clocks together in a clock system without any problem. (i.e. digitals, analogs, 6 digit, wireless, wired, elapse timers, etc.)


FAQ – How many clocks can I put together in a system?

Q: How many clocks can I put together in a system? A: You can put as little as 2 clocks together or several thousand clocks together to make a clock system.


FAQ – What size clock do I need for my manufacturing floor?

Q: What size clock do I need for my manufacturing floor? A: A 4” high display is visible up to 200ft. or a 8” high display is visible up to 400ft. Both the DC-40S and DC-80S can be purchased in double sided viewing with wireless remote control.


FAQ – Q: What size clock do I need for my church sanctuary?

Q: What size clock do I need for my church sanctuary? A: A 4” high display is visible up to 200ft. indoors. The model of the clock unit is DC-40S. The wireless controller version is DC-40SW


FAQ – What size display do I need for a large auditorium or gymnasium?

Q: What size display do I need for a large auditorium or gymnasium? A: A 4” high display is visible up to 200ft. indoors. The model of the elapse timer unit is DC-40UT. The wireless version is DC-40UTW.


FAQ – What size display do I need to purchase for viewing in my conference room?

Q: What size display do I need to purchase for viewing in my conference room? A: A 2.3” high display is visible up to 100ft. indoors. The model of the elapse timer unit is DC-25UT. The wireless version is DC-25UTW.

Countdown Timer

4.0 Inch LED Digital, Multifunction, Up or Down Timer and Time of day clock, DC-40UTW-DF

4.0 Inch LED Digital, Multifunction, Up or Down Timer and Time of day clock, DC-40UTW Amateur Athletic Union recently bought a DC-40UTW model for their events and practices. This unit is great for many sports activities, events, or meetings. This unit is a universal timer that can count up, countdown, …


Army Base Fort Bragg Orders 3 multizone Digital LED time clocks

Fort Bragg located in North Carolina has ordered and received 3 DC-25TZ-4’s, multi-zone digital LED time zone clocks. They are housed all in one enclosure. 12 or 24 hour user select-able by pressing set hours and set minutes buttons at the same time. It is very easy to set the …


God with us Church orders 4.0 inch multifunction timer and time of day clock

God with us church in Baytown Texas will receive a 4.0 inch digit multi-functional timer and time of day clock DC-40UTW. It will measure the time left or how much time has been spent while also keeping accurate the days’ time. They will be using it in their sanctuary to …


Glynn County schools JR. ROTC program and DC-40 down timers

Recently, custom master/secondary units were manufactured for the Glynn County schools JR. ROTC program. These timers were customized to fit their needs at the gun range. These units consist of 1 master DC-40T-DN-W, and 3 secondary DC-10T-DN-W units. The controller can set the timer value with a wireless RF remote …

8 Individual set Countdown Timers in one, with remote starts
Synchronized Timers

Snap-On 8 Cycle Countdown Timers in One

Snap-On dips their metal parts into eight different chemical baths. Each chemical bath has a different cycle time. If a part sits in a bath for too long, or too short, the finish will not be acceptable for sale. Parts must complete all eight processes before inspection. In an effort …


Cleveland Clinic Orders 6 Digit Digital Clocks

Cleveland Clinic has ordered more DC-256 Time of day, 6 digit, digital clocks. The Time keeping accuracy, the manufactured quality, the made in America pride, the overall promise to commitment by DC-Digital to provide a quality product at a reasonable price. The premise for the display is that it has …

Countdown Timer

Columbus Blue Jackets Timer

The Columbus blue Jackets find it easier to let DC-Digital handle the game time and they do the winning! They purchased a DC-40T-DN-W, 4.0 inch high digit, Countdown, wireless digital timer with and end of period buzzer. The display is plenty big for good visual presentation of the time left …

Dual display in one enclosure time of day system clock and count up timer
Count Up timer

Count up count down timer and time of day clock all in one enclosure

Mclane company needed to have both a Count up and Count down timer which is one unit and also a time of day clock in one enclosure.The timer can be selected for either or function while the time of day can be viewed simultaneously. This gives convenient to the customer …


Richard Petty Driving Experience uses DC-Digital Timers

  Richard Petty Tire Change Challenge Timers came to us wanting to be able to have a timer that could do everything they needed. We accepted the challenge and gave them something that is made to their custom specifications. These timers count up from the moment the challenge begins, then once …

Mitsubishi power Ship Date Timers and message board
Synchronized Timers

Custom Countdown to Ship Date Timers for Mitsubishi Power Systems.

Achieving ship dates are important to any production company. We have designed a custom countdown to ship date timer for Mitsubishi Power Systems. This allows for better organization in the manufacturing area as well as the shipping area. This timer helps the company, as a whole, stay focused on meeting their ship …

USNO Atomic Digital Outdoor Clock Washington DC

US Navel Observatory Uses DC-Digital Clock

The US Navel Observatory who keeps the cesium clock chose DC-Digital for their upgraded digital display.  Check out the “DC-Digital” on the clock face!


Wireless DC-10 T-DN’s Used For Stage Production In Billy Elliot The Musical

We created a special edition clock that will be used throughout the Billy Elliot The Musical Tour.  We took our DC-10 T-DN and modified it for the set’s specific needs.  They are using the down timer in order to get the cast and the stage hands to where they need …

6 inch LED Digital countdown to an event timer days hours minutes and seconds

Project or Event Countdown Clocks

DC-Digital features a line of project or event countdown timers.  These clocks can be utilized for many occasions.  We have sold the products to such customers as The Ohio State University and Michigan as countdowns to the game where they play each other (which the clocks featured the ability to …


DC-80 T-DN or T-UP Timers With Motion Sensors

DC-Digital is offering products of multiple uses!  The featured product that I am speaking of today is a DC-80 complete with motion censors.  This may be used in many fashions including as an up-timer or down-timer.  The motion censor works with the function of the clock.  When the lazer connecting …

2.3 Inch LED wireless controlled Multi-Purpose Multi-Function Digital Timer

DC-256 Wireless Universal Timers For The Arkansas Razorbacks

The Arkansas Razorback’s football team has recently purchased 15 DC-256UTW Wireless Universal Timers.  These clocks have multiple functions including, up-time, down-time and may be used as a regular clock.  The display features 2.3 inch, extra-bright digits and it is blacked out all around for maximum visibility (which makes it look …

DC-40UT Digital Multi-Function Count Up Timer Countdown timer and clock timer down

Multi-Function Timer and Lockheed Martin

We are proud to say that we were able to distribute to a company that helps out our U.S. Military!  Lockheed Martin ordered 3 DC-40UT Universal Timer’s recently.  With the availability in our stock, we were able to send these out to them the next morning. Lockheed Martin provides technological resources …


Custom Timers With Multiple Options!

DC-Digital has just sent out a fairly original order.  The customer purchased six standard DC-40 up-timers… but in pieces!  They plan to put them together in their own manner rather than use our cases.  The order came complete with 6 DC-40 boards that contain three digits, so he timer can …

Custom Days without an accident saftey scorebaoard

Northfolk Southern Days Without Accident Timers Days without last recordable safety scoreboard

Norfolk Southern’s Conway Locomotive Shop has recently purchased a Days Without An Accident Timer.  This timer features sections counting up for days, hours, minutes and seconds.  It will count up to 9,999 days.  The display is Norfolk Southern’s own design that we put in front of our digits.  The timer …

Countdown Timer

Commercial Industrial Countdown Timer (DC-10)

A recent purchase was made of one of our most original products.  It is our standard DC-10 clock, but cumstomized to meet the customer’s important needs.  The clock meets IP 66 and Nema 4, 12 and 13 ratings!  It is made out of polycarbonate which carries a U.L. flammability rating …