DC-Digital, DC-60C, counter, Polarized Areas Sensor, Car parking, display, c-channel mounting, network webpage, multi input, digital counter

Multi-Input Digital Car Counter with Network Webpage Functions

Introduction: This innovative system efficiently tracks vehicle entry and exit counts, ensuring precise occupancy management. With its real-time digital display and integrated network webpage functionality, parking lot administrators can monitor availability remotely and effortlessly. Overview of the Digital Car Counter: This system features a 6-inch, four-digit LED display that accurately …

DC-Digital, Counter, Basketball, Timer, Down timer, Area sensor, Courtyard, Work area, Synchronized, Competitive
Competition Timers

Large Indoor/Outdoor Basketball Shooting Game-Training Aid Timer & Counter System

The DC-802T-C-BB-GAME is a large indoor-outdoor basketball game/training aid for shooting as many baskets in a 30 second period, developing muscle memory, quick decision making and accuracy. It features a synchronized countdown timer (preprogrammed for 30 seconds) and point counter, capable of tracking up to 99 points, providing real-time feedback …

DC-Digital, 6 digit, Red LED, Counter, Up-Counter, Wired Controller, RJ-45 Modular Connection, White Table, Keypad Controller, 25 feet of cabling

Potential Customer Counter w/ Wired Modular Keypad Controller for Creative Brand Agency

Laughlin Constable has reached out to DC-Digital to make a counter that can simulate the amount of cars/customers that come into their parking area that may see their advertisements. The unit is a versatile counting system designed for precision and ease of use. It features a 6-digit, bright red LED …

Hourly Rate COunter Clock for Production truck companies with an area sensor on White Table DC-Digital

Truck Loading-Unloading Package Timer with Rate per Hour

Keep your employees work load at a safe pace Ordered by FedEx to keep track of the rate of employee movement per hour. In particular loading and unloading their trucks. See our Youtube video on this product see Dc-Digital’s similar product DC-40T-UP-RATE-MIN Display minutes In today’s competitive business environment, it’s …

6 Digit Days Counter 2.3 Inch LED wired remote controls Less Case

Install Into Your Signage this 6 Digit Days Counter-Timer

Install this or any of our displays into your signage. The DC-256T-UP-Days timer, counts up to 999999 days, one per 24 hour period. This one has wired controls and also comes with battery backup, 120 Wall adapter power supply, lens and hardware. Contact Us to get your version today! See …

DC-40C-TERM-Glass-Cutting-Counters-Multple Inputs

Glass Cutter Counters

How many cuts have we made? Common employee question. Where are we at with quantity of cuts. Instantly know with a glance. These DC-40C-Terms (4 Inch Digits) are viewable up to 200 feet away and with super bright LED digits, make no mistakes on the numbers. Want BIGGER? We can …


Huge LED “Race Track” Spectator LAP Counter

At DC-Digital, we offer displays with digits up to 30 inches tall. These can be seen up to 1500 feet away. Making them one of the largest LED Number displays on the market! We recently got two different requests for these 30 inch displays with 2 digits. The first request …

DC-256T-UP-TERM-Timer-2.3 Inch LED Drive Through Timer MM:SS and 2 Digit Car Counter

Drive Through Employee Efficiency Timer-Counter

Its a drive through timer and counter all in 1. It displays the current customer’s wait time and their number for the day. It is a multi-color display; Red for the count up timer (MM:SS) and Green for the Car Count. The timer is used to show how long the …

DC-606C-BLUE 6 Digit 6 inch Blue LED production counter

Lowes Customizes Our Standard Production Counter with Blue LED’s

Lowes had us convert a DC-606C-TERM-IN 6 digit 6 inch Red LED’s to Blue LED’s to count product going down a conveyor line. It is matched with a photo-reflective sensor (DC-DIFF-SENS-10) for increment and a large 40 mm palm switch (SW-1-HD-RED) for reset. It comes housed in an all IP-66 …

Large 4 inch Digital Counter and Display with wireless remote controls

Wireless Remote Controlled Digital Counter

Hydraforce uses the additional wireless push-buttons remotely to increment the main central display counter. Each station will be able to add upon the count and have it display the total count per period. See video: DC-40C-W-with additional wireless remotes Product: DC-40C-W Product: SW-1-HD-RED-W-120 Website: https://dc-digital.com/store/index.html

Digital LED electronic timer in a stainless steel enclosure

Stainless Steel Timers,Clocks, Counters

We now have an enclosure that will fit the bill for wet, corrosive, harsh environments. It is a 316L stainless surface mount enclosure designed for clean rooms, food processing plants, washrooms, operating rooms, chemical rooms anywhere there is a possibility of the timer getting in contact with water, cleaning solutions …

2.3 Inch 4 digit digital counter and display with local and remote controls

Local and Remote Controlled Counter-Display

Now you can have both, remote controls and local controls to increment, decrement and reset the count to zero. Contact closure or 5-30Vdc input controls with terminal block connections. Video: Dc-25C-Term-S Product: [ss_product id=’eda8f9fc-2389-11e7-8863-a72a6e1107b7′ sku=’DC-25C-Term-S’ ](DC-25C-Term-S) 2.3 Inch LED Digital, Multi-Input, Counter that has Top Mounted Environmentally Sealed Push-Button Switches …

6 inch LED Digit waterproof outdoor parking garage car counter with wireless remote controller

Parking Garage Car Counter with Wireless Set and Rollover Function

Set it to the number of spaces that are available in the garage today and have the entrance gate decrement the number of spaces available and the exit gate increment the number of spaces. See Video: DC-60C-W-Parking-Garage-Car-Counter Website: DC-Digital Questions: Contact Us

Efficiency counter for planned expected production. 2.3 Inch digits remote push-button controls and efficiency up to 200 percent

Otis Elevator uses efficiency counters for their production lines

Otis Elevators purchased 5 of these to bring positive awareness to their production lines. The DC-25C-2-EFF-RP can be seen up to 120 feet away. It has remote set switches for the production manger to set the daily quotas and remote 60 mm palm switches for the lines to update the …


12 VDC Large Outdoor LED Counter and Display

See the count with this huge outdoor 6 inch LED Display. It uses 12 VDC that is supplied by the customer and PNP or contact closure input to increment the count. Get more info: Contact us at DC-Digital or see similar products at DC-Digital.com https://youtu.be/mlpeTmU0gek

6 inch digital LED display count up pace timer with wireless Keypad control

Production Interval Pace Timer Counter with Wireless Keypad Controls

DC-60-PACE-KEY-W-IN Production Pace Interval Timer Counter: Set and display the pace interval of the number of units that  need to be produced in a given time period. Example: Set it for 600 Seconds (=10 Minutes) and it will increment and display the count by 1 up to 9999. Note: You …

Interval pace counter with efficiency display and keypad programmer

Production Pace-Interval Counter with Efficiency

“Production efficient”?- keep track with this, all-in-one, in real-time, pace-interval counter with efficiency display. It comes with a 24 Key- keypad programmer/controller with 25 feet of cord and a heavy duty palm switch and 25 feet of cord (wireless controllers and switches are available). The”Planned” production has a pace-interval timer count, …

6-6 Inch Digit LED Digital Counter with wireless handheld controls

6 Inch – 6 Digit Dual control unit counter

 Quest Service labs dual controlled 6 inch-6 digit LED unit counter. Dual controls are wired and wireless. Wired input controls can be PLC, relay, contact closure, or 5-30 VDC voltage pulses which can increment, decrement and reset the counter to zero. The wireless controls can set the counter for a …

DC-40C 4 inch digital counter with large remote increment

Animal Adoption Counter

Animal Protection Association of Missouri is using the DC-40C-Term-S with a SW-1-HD-60-RED large remote increment button to record the number of animals that have been adopted. When someone adopts an animal they get to hit the big red button. Giving animals a new home is their goal and it certainly helps …


Manufacturing efficiency counter with planned and actual counts

DC-25C-2-Eff-RP, Calculates the percentage efficiency between the set Planned product count to the Actual product count. It comes with Push-Button remotes for the setting of the Planned and for the Actual counts. Just plug it in and go.


Interval Timer Counter for tracking units produced per interval

  Culp inc. Manufacturing will be using this new unit counter and timer up interval counter for their production of quality products. The counter portion (upper display) simply increments up once per switch press keeping tally of unit produced while the lower display (interval counter) is set at a certain …