Technology Production, Keypad Controlled, Efficiency Counter w/Andon Light & Piezo Alarm

DC-Digital, Keypad Controlled, Actual, Planned , Efficiency Counter, Diffusive Reflective Area Sensor, 3 prong power, Andon Light, White Table, Industrial Electronic Services

Valcom has been working with DC-Digital to create an Efficiency counter that could help keep track of the quality of their products per minute. This unit integrates several components to streamline product manufacturing. The 24 Keypad Input Program Controller (DC-GEN-24) allows clients to precisely set the desired production rate and manage real-time adjustments, featuring a user-friendly interface with a modular RJ-45 connection and 25 feet of cabling. The Diffusive Reflective Object Sensor (DC-DIFF-SENS-10) tracks object presence up to 10 feet away, feeding this data into the system to update the ‘Actual’ count incrementally. The efficiency is monitored through a 2.3-inch red LED display visible from up to 120 feet, complemented by a multicolored Andon light and Piezo alarm that activate when the production count is updated, ensuring immediate visual and auditory feedback.

– 24 Keypad Input Program Controller (DC-GEN-24): 0-9 input, Set Parts Per Minute, Set Parts Per Second & Reset Actual, Set Seconds Per Parts & Reset Actual, Start & Enter Placed Timer, Pause/Resume Timer, +1 Actual, -1 Actual. Modular RJ-45 with 25 feet of cabling.

– Diffusive Reflective Object Sensor (DC-DIFF-SENS-10): Detects objects up to 10 feet with 25 feet of cabling.

– 2.3 inch, Red LED digits that can be viewed up to a total of 120 feet.

– Multicolored Andon light that flashes green and Piezo alarm that sounds off when Actual section increments for 3 seconds.

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