Justice is served with the DC-256T-UP-TERM

In the courtroom, every second counts and brain power must be devoted to quick thinking and compelling points, not in keeping track of how much time has passed. Let DC-Digital do the legwork for you with an efficient and straight forward solution. PCVA Attorneys at Law, a law firm based in Washington, needed a courtroom timer system for the judge and attorneys. They needed a count up timer for a high profile case that would take up to 40 hours for each side to present their arguments. They wanted to ensure that the timer was not too easy or accidentally reset, and simple to start and stop.
Our standard product we customized for them was a DC-256T-UP-TERM. It is a six digit count up timer master and secondary synchronized system. It goes up to 99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. In the courtroom, the judge has control of both trigger buttons, one each for the plaintiff and the defendant’s timer display. Both sides will also have a trigger button that starts and pauses the timer. In addition and to further help differentiate between sides, the trigger boxes are of different colors for each side, black and white. The light on top of the switch will stay lit while the timer is running until it is paused. The displays and buttons are powered through a wall plug with a six foot long cord and have battery backup as an extra precaution. The displays can be reset to zero, by holding the button down for ten seconds. All of these features combined will keep the timing fair and equal for both sides. Contact DC-Digital today to begin making your own digital timepiece ideas a reality.
See product: DC-256T-UP-TERM
See video: Video for DC-256T-UP-TERM
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