High School Students Give Back with Countdown Timer
- By : DC-Digital sales & marketing
- Category : Countdown Timer, Counters, Days Counter, Days timer, Hours Timer, Timers
- Tags: class-gift, clock, countdown-timers, days-counter, Dc-Digital, graduation-countdown, graduation-gift, hours-counter, minutes-counter, seconds-counter, senior-class-gift, special-event-timer

We receive all kinds of orders here at DC-Digital, from standard products to ones customized to the purchaser specifications. Green Level High School in North Carolina ordered a DC-609T-DN-W-IN for a special event. The Senior Class of 2023 wanted to give a meaningful gift to their school that could be used for years to come. They decided on a timer that would count the days until that year’s senior class graduates. The timer can be easily set to count down to the exact moment these seniors will graduate and move onto the next phase of their lives. They requested the indoor version of the clock. It displays days, hours, minutes, seconds, and has a wireless controller with a 1500 foot range. The timer can count down from up to 999 days and the 6 inch high LED digits can be viewed from up to 300 feet away. This gift will help them celebrate their education and finishing High School. For your own special occasion, talk to DC-Digital today!
See product: DC-609T-DN-W-IN
See the outdoor version: DC-609T-DN
See video: Video of DC-609T-DN-W-IN
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