Stainless Steel, Wireless Controlled Up-Timer for Operation Medical Facilities

VA Medical Center has reached out to DC-Digital for an up-timer to help keep track of the lengths of their operations. This unit is an improvement from the aluminum, black powder coated enclosure and that it’s stainless steel that is an IP-66, waterproof enclosure. This model is used to tell how long an operation has been in progress, and is utilized in in messy environments in the hospital. Clients starts the time with a wireless remote control and stops the time with the same button. Timer can also be reset back to zero while timer is stopped.
– Counts up to 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds when the timer starts
– RF, Wireless Remote Control (WRC-2T): Start/Stop, Reset to zero functions. Can be operated up to 1500 feet outdoors and 300 feet indoors
– Tough 316 L, 16 gauge, IP-66 stainless steel waterproof enclosure
– 120 VAC power adapter with a 6 feet cord, and gland nut seals away water
See tutorial on our YouTube page
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