USNO Large 15.0″ Digital Atomic Clocks Keep National Time Standard

The USNO United States Naval Observatory (the standard in time keeping) purchased (2) DC-156-GPS Red LED atomic digital clocks for their combined accuracy of the atomic clock time keeping and the incredible viewing distance of 15.0″ high Red LED digits. They were installed at the entrance to the Washington DC facility to give visitors the most accurate time known to man. The GPS time is derived from satellites that fly overhead and are kept accurate from the NIST Master Clock. It is the underlying product for all of our precise time and time interval products. The timing reference produced by this timing ensemble is called UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time (NIST). This timing reference is mandated to be the precise time reference for all of the Department of Defense and is managed by the most knowledgeable world timekeeping scientists (Horologists). The GPS is a receiver that can be attached to any DC-Digital clock and can increase the time keeping capabilities to atomic accuracy.
See product: DC-156-GPS
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