The Importance of Size and Viewing Distance: Timers, Clocks, and Counters
- By : DC-Digital sales & marketing
- Category : FAQs
- Tags: Manufacturing-Counter, Outdoor-Clocks, Process-Counter, Process-Counters, Prodcution-Counter, Production Counter

DC-10 Models
0-25 feet / 7.62 meters
DC-25 Models
25-120 feet / 36.5 Meters
DC-40 Models
50-200 feet / 60.96 Meters
DC-60 Models
50-300 feet / 91 meters (indoor and outdoor)
DC-80 Models
100-400 feet / 122 meters (indoor and outdoor)
DC-150 Models
200-750 feet / 228 meters (indoor and outdoor)
DC-300 Models
300-1500 feet / 274 meters (indoor and outdoor)
The “viewing distance” of a timer is the very first thing to consider before purchasing. Of course there are other factors too, but if the timer cannot be seen at the appropriate distance, then price, color, etc. doesn’t matter.
In considering viewing distance, think about the “viewing audience“. The viewing audience should be able to read the timer, clock and counter without experiencing eye strain. The best viewing distance is the maximum distance that an audience member can read the digital display comfortably. For example, the maximum viewing distance for the DC-10 model is 25 feet or 7.62 meters but as we age that distance becomes less and less. Most displays that you see online are rated at viewing distances that are beyond those who are viewing them with the age of 50+.
So for your own verification just take a moment and look around you at displays or numerical logos on signs or posters and consider there letter or number heights and back away to see how far away you start to loose intelligibility in seeing them. This distance will be extenuated slightly with a illuminated number display like what DC-Digital sells but you will get the picture of what size would be appropriate for your viewing circumstance. DC-Digital aims to make sure that you get the proper size for your circumstance so that in listing our information with the display we show a silhouette of a man 6 ft. tall next to the display in question and in the body of the tech notes we designate the maximum recommended viewing distance.
If you have any further question please Contact us