A Bottomless Lake?
- By : DC-Digital sales & marketing
- Category : Clocks
- Tags: Bottomless Lakes State Park, clock, Dc-Digital
Bottomless Lakes State Park is famous for just what it’s name says: bottomless lakes. The state park, located in New Mexico, actually consists of several small lakes bordered by high red bluffs. The lakes are sinkholes that are filled with water. The deepest lake is Lake Lea at ninety feet deep, and it is the only lake in which swimming is allowed. The most shallow lake is only seventeen feet deep.
So why am I writing about this? Because we made a clock for the park! In the summertime, visitors can rent paddle boards and pedal boats. They rent the boats by the hour, but they had one small problem- the people were too busy having fun that they would sometimes lose track of time! This resulted in late charges and some unhappy customers. The solution to this problem was to purchase a clock that was view-able on all parts of the lake. But where do you find a clock with such a vast viewing distance that could withstand being outside, exposed to the weather? DC-Digital!

Bottomless Lakes State Park purchased a DC-150S which is a stand alone clock with fifteen inch digits. Each digit has 3 rows of LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) which increases the viewing distance to 750 feet. That is two and a half football fields! Stand alone means that this is a simple clock that keeps the time. However, since we custom make all of our products, you can purchase a similar display that has functions specific to your needs. This display is weather proof, which means it can withstand the elements. This particular clock has four digits which keep the hour and minutes, although it is possible to add more digits and have it keep days, hours, minutes, seconds,tenths and even hundredths of a second. Let DC-Digital give you the time today!
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