DC-25 X 2 Digital LED Days Since Last Accident with traffic light safety awareness

Webb Wheel Days Since last Accident safety scoreboard traffic lights

Adding traffic lights to indicate the safety awareness in a facility is what Webb Wheel was after and it gives the greatest impact as well as an easy quick visual. We housed the electronics in a all aluminum enclosure (other enclosure types available). Controlled by a RF wireless remote for …

Days since last recordable injury custom count up timer counter
Count Up timer

Custom Safety Days Counter Displays for Tropicana, Custom made for specific areas of the body.

Bring maximum awareness to your staff with this custom number display scoreboard for days since last lost time injury. We all need to be reminded that safety comes first in our jobs and to watch out for others as well as ourselves when it comes to being safe during work …

Large Safety Days Sign with electronic LED Days hours minutes timer
Count Up timer

Now DC-Digital can manufacture your safety days signage start to finish!

We manufacture all that you see; Electronics, enclosure, labeling, made to order to your specifications. Our customers want to see how many days (sometimes hours, minutes, and seconds) it has been since the last incident to bring factory safety to the forefront. The DC-409T-UP in this instance worked well for …

6 Digit Days Counter 2.3 Inch LED wired remote controls Less Case

Install Into Your Signage this 6 Digit Days Counter-Timer

Install this or any of our displays into your signage. The DC-256T-UP-Days timer, counts up to 999999 days, one per 24 hour period. This one has wired controls and also comes with battery backup, 120 Wall adapter power supply, lens and hardware. Contact Us to get your version today! See …


Mando Safety Scoreboard, Days Since Last Accident with traffic light level indicators

Mando america is able to show at a glance the days of safety and also any warnings of accidents that may have occurred. Awareness to safety in a manufacturing facility is key in to efficiency. If a company makes all it’s employees aware then it’s a good chance that another …

Count Up timer

Excel Energy Counting Days without an accident

Excel Energy recently purchased a DC-Digital DC-409T-UP display to keep record of time without a safety incident. The DC-Digital DC-409T-UP tracks days, hours, minutes and seconds.  The DC-Digital DC-409T-UP is easy to set and reset with top mounted switches.  The viewing distance is 200 feet and it is an indoor …