Control Legacy 59th Minute Reset Analog Clocks through the Network

Introducing the DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2

Correct your old 59th minute analog clocks and ring 2 different bell zones. Connected via Network virtual port and EZ-Time Computer software. DC-Digital DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 is a new product that receives time of day updates over an Ethernet connection via computer setup windows EZ-Time PC program, but has a couple of key differences once it is set up on the network.
Once connected to the network, you can set the time on the DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 with either EZ-Time or the network webpage. You can also use EZ-Time to control two different Relay Zones. However, this device also has a CLK module that uses the remaining two relays to control two different types of clock systems. This CLK module is run internally by the DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 and does not require EZ-Time in order to trigger the relays used by the CLK module.

The first type of clock system this device can control with the CLK module is a 59th Minute Reset system. These clock systems may use analog or digital clocks and will have two power wires plus one 59th Minute Reset wire. These clocks will reset twice daily to 5:59 in order to synchronize the hours and minutes. They will also synchronize the minutes to the 59th minute of every hour.
The second type of clock system that can be controlled with the CLK module is the 12 Hour Reset system. This system uses digital clocks and works by turning the clocks off at 11:59:59 and back on at 12:00:00. These clocks only receive an update twice a day.
Below is a video that demonstrates how the DC-10N-CLK-59/12-RM-2 controls both of the different types of clock systems.
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