ODOT brings “Don’t TEXT and Drive” awareness to Ohio drivers with “It Can Wait” campaign.
- By : DC-Digital sales & marketing
- Category : Counters, Timers

If you can’t wait to text or get back to whomever then you may be the next statistic. OHIO makes sure you understand that it isn’t safe. Awareness is key. Please wait to text! See all of DC-Digital Day Timers or Contact Us for more information.

Awareness and solution video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qcJF5FNVxE
Solar powered DAYS WITHOUT LAST SERIOUS CRASH Signs and timers are installed at 2 locations on highway 76. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) uses them for calling awareness to Ohio drivers, wanting them to cut back on distractions while driving. The solar powered signs will have a DC-Digital DC-150T-UP-DAYS 15” 4 digit red LED digital count up by days timer. The units can display up to 9999 days and are proudly made in Ohio. Located on East Bound Ohio Interstate 76 at Bailey Rd. and West Bound Ohio Interstate 80 at State Route 190. Contact us to have one made for you!
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