Digital Countdown timer with front mounted controls


Unique to the industry is this DC-25T-DN with front mounted controls. It allows the user to see and control the timer from the front. Most timers have controls that are mounted on the top of the timer, making it difficult to see the timer and see the action that the controls are performing. IF you would like to have one or want to know more about this unique feature visit or call us at DC-Digital

[ss_product id=’60589ce0-bb30-11e6-87fe-9fc9b837837a’ sku=’DC-25T-DN’ ](DC-25T-DN) 2.3 Inch LED Digital, Push-Button Controlled, Countdown Timer[/ss_product]

Large digital LED process production count up timer
Count Up timer
Factory Progression of Production (Working, Idle, & Problem) Timers All in 1 Enclosure

Optimizing Factory Efficiency with a Triple Timer System: A Game-Changer for Production Optimizing Factory Efficiency with a Triple Timer System: A Game-Changer for Production Management In today’s fast-paced manufacturing environment, managing time efficiently is essential for maximizing productivity, minimizing downtime, and ensuring that production processes run smoothly. To address these …

Injury free days DC-60 outdoor timer counter for keeping track of days since last injury
Days Counter
Railroad Safety Days Scoreboard

BNSF Railroad Prioritizes Safety with DC-Digital’s Outdoor Days Injury-Free Counter Scoreboard BNSF Railway, one of North America’s largest freight railroads, has always been committed to safety as a top priority. With thousands of employees working in dynamic and sometimes hazardous environments, maintaining a strong safety culture is crucial. To reinforce …

The HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) LED Counter Display System by DC-Digital

The HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) LED Counter System, designed for Qorvo Inc. This innovative system combines precision, redundancy, and user-friendly controls to streamline testing processes and ensure accurate data collection. Overview of the HALT LED Counter System The HALT LED Counter System is a comprehensive setup designed for durability …