DC-606T-UP-Days-W can count safety days up to 999,999

Count Up timer

Parker Business Forms recently purchased 2 DC-606T-UP-Days-W the 6-digit version of the DC-60T-UP-DAYS-W.  The DC-606T-UP-Days-W. An RF Wireless remote control is used to set the days and then the unit will automatically increment by 1 each day.  The RF Wireless remote can also decrement and reset the unit back to 0. The DC-606T-UP-Days-W counts up to 999,999 safety days.  The DC-606T-UP-Days-W can be manufactured for indoor or outdoor use.  The viewing distance for a 6 inch digit display is 300 feet.  This unit can have top mounted switches also.

[ss_product id=’606cb252-bb30-11e6-99c3-a3abfda34ea7′ sku=’DC-60T-UP-W-DAYS’ ](DC-60T-UP-DAYS-W) Digital Count Up Day Timer with 6.0 Inch Digits and RF Wireless Remote (OUTDOOR)[/ss_product]

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