DC-Digital Distributors

In addition to our standard products, DC-Digital offers resale opportunities. We are looking to help other businesses succeed, while making a profit ourselves.  If you are looking to start a business or possibly enhance the service you already provide, we can work together as an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and VAR (value added re-seller) partnership.  We have a few associates that we already do this with. One in specific, orders from 50 to 100 DC-25 T-Days, Red LED, Digital Days Up-Timer. He then resells them for a profit of his own and we both come out winners.  We offer a wide-range of clocks and timers that we can do this with.  Instead of just reselling the product that we have we can work with you, also.  DC-Digital builds their products individually and step-by-step.  This means that we can provide part of the product to our customers and they can then take it in any direction they choose.  For example, we could provide all of the inner-workings of a DC-25 S.  Then you could put it in your own case and sell it as your own separate product.  Once again, we both come out winners here.  We are willing to listen and generate new ideas, so contact us and let’s see what we can do!

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DC-Digital, Efficiency Production Counter, Chemical Manufacturing, Cleaning, Planned, Actual, Efficiency, Environmentally sealed push button switch, Computer Screen, White Table, Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheet
Count Up timer
Network, Product Efficiency Counter w/ Webpage Display for Chemical Manufacturing Companies

With the need of daily products on the rise, PSG Dover reached out to DC-Digital for a unit that would determine the rate at which good products were being made, and keep a log of each and every product. This unit provides robust productivity monitoring with efficient controls. Positioned on …

DC-Digital, Outdoor Uptimer Weatherproof case, Tripod mounting, White Table, Environmentally Sealed Push Button Switch, 25 feet of cabling, Military Timer
Competition Timers
Weatherproof, Outdoor Up-timer w/ Tripod Mounting for Military Drills and Equipment Testing

Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC. has reached out to DC-Digital for their outdoor, weatherproof up-timer in order to test their products. This unit is designed for outdoor use, featuring a sturdy aluminum tripod setup and a durable, IP-66 rated enclosure that withstands wet conditions while being fingerprint and dust resistant. Users …

DC-Digital, Flushed Unit, Network Timer, Network Clock, Network Display, POE Powered, White Table, Computer Monitor, Indoor Gameshow Display
Webpage Controlled, Flushed Network Clock, Timer & Static Display for Indoor Gameshows

In need of a flushed system that off plug and play internet features for their indoor gameshows, Chambers Escape Games reached out to DC-Digital for a solution. This unit offers straightforward command input via our intuitive Webpage controller. Users can effortlessly set the time of day, choosing between 12-hour or …